The original door skin removed and replaced with polished aluminium. New seals complete the work on the door.
A new axle, custom made by indespension with overrun brakes is fitted into the original springs.
Beneath the sink I have fitted 5 beech dovetail drawer boxes with walnut faces. The handles are new original 50s stock.
The new UK spec coupling has been fitted along with a custom build gas bottle holder.
I have fitted LED Pixels beneath the walnut shelves at either side of the Dinette. A clear acrylic light pipe has been drilled for each led and polished to blend in with the surface of the walnut. When they are off, the LEDs are hardly visible. When illuminated the light shines throught the light pipes and each LED can be individually controlled in colour and brightness to allow for some interesting effects.
More fabrication in the form of a bathroom sink unit made from original aluminium taken from the internal skin and a roof light fitted to the hatch.
The top locker will be fitted above the galley. I have used original aluminium from the old internal skin, polished. It will be fitted with sliding walnut doors.
Here is the finished dinette table ready to be fitted. The lovely jade green Formica is edged with a polished aluminium trim.
This is the Sargent power management system which formed the heart of the electrical system being fitted into the rear closet.